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Habla inglés rápidamente

con clases personalizadas en línea en vivo

Sin ningun compromiso.

Clase de inglés entre 2 personas en chidoling.com
An image of a bustling Mexican cityscape is depicted, with a castle and several restaurants visible in the foreground. The castle, with its towering spires and intricate architecture, is perched on a hill overlooking the city. In the foreground, several Mexican restaurants are visible, with colorful facades and outdoor seating areas. The image captures the vibrant and lively atmosphere of a typical Mexican city, with its diverse architecture, rich cultural heritage, and bustling culinary scene.
ChidoLingo: Online School to Learn Spanish | Free Trial

Lecciones privadas de Inglés en Chidolingo

¿Cómo funciona aprender inglés en Chidolingo?

ChidoLingo: Online School to Learn Spanish | Free Trial
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1.- Toma una clase muestra

¡Regístrate para tomar una clase gratis de 15 minutos!

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2.- Elige un plan de aprendizaje

¡Clases Privadas o Clases en Grupo!

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3.- ¡Agenda y empieza a aprender!

Registrate  en tu horarios preferido y ¡toma a tus clases!

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Puedes solicitar tu certificación a partir de niveles avanzados.

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Clases de Inglés Privadas

✅Clases privadas con un profesor

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$ 265 Pesos/Lección

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3 meses 3 maestros 36 lecciones = ¡30% DE DESCUENTO! ¡30% DE DESCUENTO! ¡30% DE DESCUENTO! ¡30% DE DESCUENTO! ¡30% DE DESCUENTO!

ChidoLingo: Online School to Learn Spanish | Free Trial

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¡Registrate para una sesión totalmente gratis!

En este fomulario puedes elegir la hora y el dia de la sesión y elegir el tipo de clases en que estas interesado.

Nivel Básico/Intermedio


Nivel Avanzado


ChidoLingo: Online School to Learn Spanish | Free Trial

Principiante a Avanzado

Basamos nuestro programa en 5 niveles diferentes.

A1 Absolute Beginner
  • Can speak slowly and clearly
  • Introduce yourself and others
  • Basic Vocabulary (domestic animals, parts of the house, food, body parts)
A2 Beginner
  • Can interact with other people
  • Development of basic grammatical structures
  • Can use present and past tense
B1 Intermediate
  • Can speak with native speakers in everyday life situations
  • Can describe your experiences or events in the past.
  • Can express your opinion about plans and give explanations about your actions
  • More advanced grammatical tenses
B2 Intermediate
  • Can talk about dreams, ambitions and hopes about the future.
  • Can understand and produce complex texts on specific topics
  • Can have a conversation with native speakers with a certain level of fluency and spontaneity
  • Can express opinions and points of view, as well as provide advantages and disadvantages on a given topic
C1 Advanced
  • Can produce well-structured and detailed texts with a wide range of vocabulary and linguistic cohesion.
  • Able to use effective language in a large number of social, professional and academic contexts naturally.
  • Can express themselves fluently and makes few mistakes
ChidoLingo: Online School to Learn Spanish | Free Trial

Aprende a hablar como un nativo usando TEMAS  FRASES CONVERSACIONES COLOQUIALISMOS reales

ChidoLingo: Online School to Learn Spanish | Free Trial
ChidoLingo: Online School to Learn Spanish | Free Trial

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Dutongui was founded in 2019 as a business online platform to help other people to learn languages.


+52 55 29 64 10 81



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