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Curso de Inglés de Negocios

Unit 11 – Advanced Business Course – Values

"Exploring cultural differences in business relationships and communication"

Improve your language abilities and navigate the professional world with confidence. Our course covers the ability to discuss values, reach an agreement using formal and emphatic language, and other skills essential for success in today’s business environment. Enroll now and develop the language skills you need to excel in your career.

Audios Unidad 11

ChidoLingo: Online School to Learn Spanish | Free Trial

Audio 11.1

Host … So, Carla, just outline the issue for us, if you would.

Carla OK. A recently-published study of consumer attitudes worldwide clearly shows a marked decline in respect for American values globally. This study was carried out by the market research company NOP World. And the implications for the American economy cannot be ignored – this view of America is having a potentially disastrous effect on the image of major US brands such as McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, Nike and Microsoft. Host It’s really that serious?

Carla It could be. NOP World interviewed 30,000 people in markets around the world. According to their findings, there are a number of factors that have all had a profoundly worrying effect on their perception of American culture and, as a consequence, on many of its major brands. Just for the record, these include recent American foreign policy, which many people see as controversial, corporate financial scandals, and a comparatively poor environmental record. There’s a real sense that America has lost its moral authority in recent years.

Host Doug, any thoughts on this?

Doug Well, I just don’t buy this direct link that’s being made. Yes, it may be true that America’s image has suffered, but so have those of many other countries, for all kinds of reasons. I’d like some better evidence, frankly. OK, there may be a downturn in uptake of certain US products – but that could be due to any number of economic factors. It doesn’t have to be because people don’t like America.

Carla Well, there’s evidence that the number of people worldwide who like and use USbranded products has fallen significantly, and at the same time brands perceived to be non-American have remained relatively stable. It’s … it’s not a disaster – yet – but it is clearly a warning sign. And in the long term, if attitudes to America become appreciably more hostile, they are saying, the effect on American business could be irretrievably damaging.

Doug Yes, but, come on …

Carla OK, right, well, wait, let’s look at some figures. Until 2002, NOP found that brands such as McDonald’s and CocaCola were achieving healthy growth, year on year, in terms of their popularity in international markets. But by the middle of the decade the growth in popularity of all major consumer brands – including those from Europe and Asia – had stalled. And recently, this previously positive trend has gone into reverse, with US products the hardest hit. Doug But you just said yourself it’s not only American brands that are taking a hit. Why are you saying that …

Host …OK right, well, let’s try and move this on.

Carla, you said that the NOP study found that this unexpectedly rapid decline in interest in and respect for American products was reflected in consumers’ views of American cultural values. What values are we talking about here?

Carla I’m talking about core values like honesty, freedom of expression and tolerance. Internationalism, if you will. Increasingly, consumers around the world are questioning whether these values still hold true, and whether they want to be associated with them. And this is reflected in the choices they make about the brands they choose to buy. It’s kind of complicated.

Doug I’m not sure it is complicated. We’re at a time of economic and political change, the balance of economic power in the world is shifting. We already know that there are certain countries in the Middle East and Latin America, for example, where consumers with increasing buying power are – and, incidentally, always have been – unlikely to share American cultural values.

Carla But the study also found that people in a number of major European markets felt that their own values were significantly different to American ones. For example, only 65% of British consumers say that they identify with American cultural values. In Italy and France it’s 63%, and in Germany it’s only 55%. This is a downward trend we’re looking at.

Host Well, whether or not this image of America is right, it’s clearly the way we are being perceived. And presumably it will become increasingly difficult to reverse the trend the longer it goes on. So the question is, what if anything are we able to do about it …?

Audio 11.2

Hyun-Ki Hello?

Laura Hello. Is that Hyun-Ki?

Hyun-Ki Yes. Hello, Laura. How are you?

Laura Very well, thanks. Are you both there?

Jin-Ho Yes, I’m here too. Hello, Laura.

Laura Hi, Jin-Ho. Andrew is with me, too.

Andrew Hello. Hyun-Ki, Jin-Ho Good morning, Andrew. Are you well?

Andrew Pretty good, thanks. And you two?

Hyun-Ki We’re well, thank you.

Laura Good. So shall we talk about this email? Can you clarify the situation for us, please, Hyun-Ki?

Hyun-Ki Yes, of course. Faced with a few new developments here, we now have some capacity issues. Not only has one of our contracts just trebled their order, but another new contract has just come in. Given the unexpected increase in volume, we now have a big backlog of work and are in a very difficult situation. Having considered all other options, we have to ask for an extension on our deadline.

Laura I see. Well, that’s not going to be easy for us. We have a fixed date to meet, which I think we made clear at the start.

Hyun-Ki Yes, that’s quite true and I can only apologize. But I’m afraid this is beyond our control now. I was hoping we could discuss a new arrangement.

Andrew Hyun-Ki, this is not good news for us. As Laura says, we need stock in Berlin in seven weeks. So I think I have to say ‘no’ to a new arrangement. If we have no product there’ll be no product launch, which means serious problems for the company. Do you understand that?

Hyun-Ki Yes, yes. I understand how important this is for you. But please understand also I could not have foreseen this extra work. I wish I could meet your order, but I’m afraid it is just not possible for us now.

Andrew No, no, look … this is not good enough. At no time have we suggested that we can be flexible on these dates. Offering flexibility on these dates just isn’t going to work for us. We have our company reputation at stake and without wishing to sound pushy, you are under contract to …

Laura Yes, yes. OK, Andrew, please. As changing the situation is no longer possible, let’s try to find a way round this. OK? So, Hyun-Ki, if I understand you correctly, you can’t meet the full order in time for the Berlin exhibition …

Audio 11.3

Laura … OK, we really need to sort this out. Tell us what you were hoping to get from this discussion.

Hyun-Ki Well, knowing how our production works, I think we need an extra three weeks to get the stock to you.

Andrew Three weeks? No, no, that’s out of the question. Even two weeks late and we’ll miss the exhibition completely.

Hyun-Ki How about publicizing the product at the exhibition and promising to supply customers at a later date?

Andrew No, that just won’t work. It’ll damage our reputation even more. If this launch is going to be a success, we need our clients to see how good the product is.

Jin-Ho Well, streamlining the transport process by a few days should be possible. Would you consider accepting delivery by the final day of the exhibition?

Laura That’s not out of the question. We could even hold a launch party on the last day.

Andrew No, I’m sorry, Laura, but I refuse to budge on this. Not everyone will be there on the last day – we need the product from day one. Can you really not get it to us on time?

Hyun-Ki I’m afraid not. The earliest possible date for us to have all stock ready would be five weeks from now.

Andrew Which doesn’t leave enough time for shipping. You see, Laura, this really isn’t acceptable. If we can’t launch the new range we risk going under. I have to stay firm on this – I think if we can’t get the product in time, we’ll have to use a different supplier – a local one so the shipping is quicker. Hyun-Ki No, no, you don’t need to do that. I’m sure we can come to a solution between us. Could you make do with some samples of the product?

Laura Erm, well, it depends what kind of samples you’re talking about.

Hyun-Ki I was thinking of the first samples we produced a few months ago. We still have a few stored away.

Andrew We can’t possibly do that. That was a trial run, the packaging wasn’t finalized, and on top of that, they’re six months old.

Laura OK, look, we’re not getting anywhere here. Erm, let’s have a rethink … … No, no, no, I agree. Listen, let’s go back to this suggestion of doing some samples. What would you say to doing a smaller run for us to meet the Berlin deadline? Say 500 samples of each cream? That would be a tenth of the original order.

Hyun-Ki Yes, I’d be willing to prioritize that. Jin-Ho – wouldn’t you agree that we could do that?

Jin-Ho I think so, yes …

Audio 11.4

Jin-Ho … OK, but I will need to check the dates and confirm.

Laura Fine – we can follow this up by email. But let’s just go over what we agreed.

Hyun-Ki, you’ll produce 500 samples of each cream on the first run and send them direct to Berlin. Hyun-Ki Yes, that sounds feasible.

Laura Good. And having sent us the samples, you will ship the rest of the order three weeks later. Are we all agreed?

Hyun-Ki, Jin-Ho Yes.

Andrew Yes, I’ll go along with that.

Laura Great. Thank you, everyone.

Hyun-Ki And thank you too for making these allowances. Had I been given more notice on these other jobs, this wouldn’t have happened. I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again.


Audio 11.5

A Tania, can I have a word with you?

B Sure, of course. What’s up?

A Look, I don’t mean to sound rude, but could you try to be a bit quieter when you’re on the phone?

B Oh … yes, sorry. I didn’t realize there was a problem. I’m really sorry.

A Carlos? About this presentation you’re giving …

B Yes?

A Er … What are you planning to wear?

B What I usually wear, of course. Why?

A OK, well … Look, this is a bit delicate. Please don’t take offence, but … do you think it would be possible for you to wear something a bit more appropriate? I mean, … it’s just that it’s quite a formal situation and I think a suit, or at least a jacket and tie, would be, well, smarter than what you normally …

B You mean I’m not smart enough? Are you telling me I look scruffy?

A Er, well, yes, I’m afraid so. A bit. Most of the time it’s fine, but on this occasion …

A Ah, Fiametta, I’m glad I’ve caught you.

B I was just going. So, what did you think of the report I sent you?

A Ah, yes, the report … Look, please don’t take this the wrong way … I know you spent a lot of time on it.

B Yes, I did. All weekend, in fact.

A Did you? Right … You see, the thing is, it really needs a bit more work.

B Does it? I see. How much more?

A Maria, come in.

B Thanks. Have you got a minute?

A Yes, of course. Is something wrong?

B Well, sort of. I’m not quite sure how to put this, but, well, I’m really delighted about my promotion, but I wanted to mention the overall package. It just seems a bit mean considering the increased responsibility I’ll have. Could we talk about it, do you think?

A … and that’s the reason why this is such a great opportunity for us.

B With respect, Thomas, I have to say that I don’t think it’s quite as simple as that.

A What? What do you mean? I just explained to you exactly why we should invest in this project.

B Well, actually, I don’t think you’ve explained very much at all. You haven’t told us what these figures actually mean, or what the long-term implications are. The fact is, there is still an enormous number of unanswered questions.

Ejercicio C - Escritura

Tus vacacaciones

Discute estas preguntas con tu profesor o escribe tus respuestas en el cuadro azul.

  1. ¿Cuáles han sido las mejores vacaciones de tu vida?
  2. ¿Cuál fue la parte que más te gustó?
  3. ¿Cuál fue la parte que menos te gustó?
  4. ¿Con quién fuiste, con la familia o solo/a?

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