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ChidoLingo: Online School to Learn Spanish | Free Trial
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Curso de Inglés de Negocios

Unit 07 – Advanced Business Course – Learning

"Exploring cultural differences in business relationships and communication"

Advance your career and improve your business English with our comprehensive course. Learn to discuss training, communicate effectively on the phone, and talk about the future in a professional setting. Enroll now and gain the language skills you need to succeed in today’s business world.

Audios Unidad 7

ChidoLingo: Online School to Learn Spanish | Free Trial

Audio 7.1

Interviewer Would you say that staff in your organization are encouraged to take a ‘systems thinking’ approach?

Jane Well, we don’t explicitly encourage staff to take a systems thinking approach. But if you look at the content of some of the training programmes, a lot of it is geared towards them thinking about the implications of what they do outside their immediate area of responsibility. So, for example, our finance training is very much about getting people to think about how their decisions impact on the bottom line, the profit and loss account, and the implications for other departments. We also have one particular course that all staff in one of our divisions are expected to attend, and it’s designed to put people’s jobs into the wider business context, so that they can see the bigger picture. So, from that point of view, yes, to some extent we do try to get people thinking more broadly than their immediate remit, but it’s not a specific or an explicit aim.

Interviewer So, how would you describe the approach to learning and training across your organization?

Jane The approach that we take is that we divide training into job-specific training, and then more generic training, and we approach the two areas in slightly different ways. The majority of our training is job-specific and we get information on what this should be from what we call a bottom-up approach, where we look at individual training needs. This is normally triggered by the appraisal process, and the delivery of the training then tends to be driven by line managers. They’ll often provide that training on the job. So if people need to learn specific skills like design or marketing, that happens locally. Departments often find their own training providers and they have their own budgets to do that, so we take quite a decentralized approach in that way. The generic training would be related to skills that are relevant right across the business, like management skills, communication skills or IT training. It’s also training in response to any current themes that relate to particular business challenges. So, for example, at the moment there’s quite a big push on project management training because of the need to manage projects more effectively. This kind of training is often generated by senior management, so it’s more of a top-down approach, and the training itself is more centrally-driven.

Interviewer What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing things the way you do them?

Jane Well, I think one of the advantages is that because, primarily, we have a very decentralized approach to training it means that each division gets what it needs from the central training department. So we’re quite responsive to their needs and that’s a real advantage. Also, we provide a range of learning opportunities, not just courses. We have reading materials, DVDs, books, and also online links that people can use We’re trying to make training more selfdirected. Line managers don’t always have time to spend with staff, talking in detail and planning their training, so the more we can encourage people to take responsibility for their own development, the better. It’s also an advantage because it means staff take ownership of their own learning and, therefore, they’re much more likely to put more effort into what they’re learning – and that learning is more likely to stick and be transferred into their jobs. Disadvantages? Well, from our central point of view, one drawback is that we get stretched very thinly, because rather than being able to take a one-size-fits-all approach right across the organization, we end up customizing a lot of what we do for each division, which is great for the divisions, but it’s not always an effective use of central resources

Audio 7.2

Tamara Hello, Kirsten. Er, we didn’t finish our discussion about next year’s training programme.

Kirsten No, you’re right. We didn’t. Do you want to carry on now?

Tamara Well, we need to have a concrete proposal for the meeting on Friday.

Kirsten Did you say Friday? I thought it had been brought forward to Thursday afternoon?

Tamara Well, er, that makes it even more urgent, then. Anyway, I’m not quite clear about your last suggestion. Could you run it by me again?

Kirsten Yes … OK, well, faced with the need to be fully compliant with the new legislation by early next year, I think we have at least 70 staff who need to be up to speed by the end of this year.

Tamara How many did you say?

 Kirsten Seventy … seven-oh. But instead of training them all, I suggest we buy in training sessions and offer these to a few key managers. Working on the principle that they can all pass the content on to their own staff, we should have everyone trained up by January.

Tamara How many were you planning to offer it to?

Kirsten Just the eight heads of department. Make a single group.

Tamara And, er, what you’re saying is, you don’t think we have enough of our own trainers to provide this internally?

Kirsten No, it’s not that we don’t have the trainers. We don’t have the expertise.

Tamara OK, well, on that point, it may not be entirely relevant, but I’ve heard some negative feedback recently on other internal training sessions.

Kirsten That’s interesting. Could you clarify exactly what the problems were? Oh … Actually, no, it doesn’t matter – I guess it’s a bit off-topic right now.

Tamara OK. I think you suggested a provider. What was their name again?

Consuelo, did you say?

Kirsten That’s right. Given the limited number of companies offering this training, we don’t actually have much choice.

Tamara No, that’s right. Oh, that reminds me. Have you heard that Leon’s leaving to go and work for another training provider?

Kirsten Yes, I heard. Knowing how demotivated he’s been about his job recently, I’m not too surprised!

Tamara Yes. Anyway … sorry. That’s a bit of a digression. Let’s get back to the main issue. Are there any other loose ends? Er, what haven’t we dealt with yet? Shall we talk about the proposal for distance learning?

Kirsten Yes. We need to do that. And we haven’t looked at the question of timing yet. Or dealt with the cost!

Tamara I know. By the way, talking about costs, I haven’t seen that report on the e-learning project yet.

Kirsten Ah, yes, I remembered that yesterday. I was going to write it this morning, but …

Tamara OK, OK, I know you’re busy …

Audio 7.3

Kirsten Hello, Kirsten Marr.

John Hello, this is John Powell from Consuelo. You left a message for me?

Kirsten Ah, yes, hello. Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.

John No problem. So, I was wondering, could you clarify exactly what sort of training programme you were hoping to run?

Kirsten Yes, of course. We need to ensure that our company is fully compliant with the new legislation and procedures regarding the transport and handling of hazardous biological materials. We had intended to do this ourselves, but having discussed it with the relevant people we now think we need to ask an external training provider to do this.

John Could I ask you to spell out some details – how many participants, when you wanted this to happen, and so on?

Kirsten We were thinking of having eight managers for a one-day workshop, ideally some time around the middle of next month.

John OK, a day should be OK. But, look, I’m very sorry, but you do know that we only run tailor-made workshops for a minimum of twenty participants?

Kirsten Oh, really? No, I didn’t know. That’s a bit annoying.

John Well, it’s to do with cost, I’m afraid. Inevitably.

Kirsten No, I understand that. What I’m saying is, it’s annoying for us because we just don’t have that many people. So, do you mean that you can’t do this training for us?

John Well, we could do it, but we’d have to charge for twenty people, even if only eight came.

Kirsten Mmm. I see. OK, well, maybe we have no choice.

John Sorry, I’m not quite sure I understand. Are you saying that you’d like to proceed with the booking anyway?

Kirsten Er … No. That’s not what I mean. What I mean is that we’ll have to run this internally after all.

John Look … Just a thought. It may not be entirely relevant, but we do have some spaces available on our open training day on the 3rd. Would you be interested in registering any participants for that?

Kirsten The 3rd, did you say?

John Yes

Kirsten I think we’d probably be interested in that. But I need to confer with my line manager. Can I get back to you on that?

John Yes, of course.

Audio 7.4

1 Just a thought. It may not be entirely relevant, but …

2 Actually, no, it doesn’t matter – I guess it’s a bit off-topic right now.

3 Oh, that reminds me. Have you heard that Leon’s leaving to go and work for another training provider?

4 Anyway … sorry. That’s a bit of a digression.

5 Let’s get back to the main issue.

6 By the way, talking about costs …


Audio 7.5

A So, what do you think of it so far?

B It’s not very interesting, is it?

A That’s the understatement of the year. I haven’t learned anything I didn’t know before.

B It’s not that bad. Though I have to admit, I’m not getting much out of it.

A And the pace is so slow! It’s doing my head in!

B I know what you mean. It’s really testing my patience, too.

A In fact, I think I’ve reached my limit. I’m going to slip out after this coffee break.

B Won’t you need to show you’ve attended?

A No problem. They’ve taken our names already! Are you staying?

B Well, I agree it hasn’t lived up to expectations so far – but I need to learn something about the topic. Maybe it’ll get better.

 A OK. I’ll see you later.

7 It was actually one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done.

8 Look, I only say that because there’s big money in energy-saving.

9 I’m not so keen on the idea.

10 I don’t really think we could get away with that, do you?

A Was there something, Sue?

B Well, yes. I’ve been looking at Lou’s new brochure design. I have to say that I was expecting something a bit more professional.

A What do you mean exactly?

B Well, the cover, for example – it’s just not up to scratch. I don’t find the choice of image appealing. And to be frank, I’m not very happy with the wording, either.

A I see what you mean, but it was a rush job. Maybe we should get Lou in and talk over some of the alternative design ideas.

A Right. It’s four o’clock. Let’s move on to the next item.

B I’m sorry. I’m going to have to leave at this point.

A Oh. Is there a problem, Jacques?

B Well, if you’re moving on to health and safety issues, I’m not sure how much I can contribute. I can’t really see the point of staying.

A Well, I’m sorry you feel that way. It’s a very important issue and I think it would be useful to have your views.

 B To be honest, I’m finding it a bit frustrating that I have to be here at all. I’ve got a lot on at the moment and I just don’t think this is the best use of my time.

Ejercicio C - Escritura

Tus vacacaciones

Discute estas preguntas con tu profesor o escribe tus respuestas en el cuadro azul.

  1. ¿Cuáles han sido las mejores vacaciones de tu vida?
  2. ¿Cuál fue la parte que más te gustó?
  3. ¿Cuál fue la parte que menos te gustó?
  4. ¿Con quién fuiste, con la familia o solo/a?

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