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ChidoLingo: Online School to Learn Spanish | Free Trial

Stories for English Learners

07. Here We Go Again

Aprende expresiones idiomáticas y phasal verbs con las historias de este detective.

This English mystery course features 11 lessons full of expressions (idioms, phrasal verbs, etc.) and characters that your intermediate to advanced students will grow to love. Each episode features a dialogue between the famous Detective Bossley and one of his prime suspects. 07. Here We Go Again

Detective’s Log

It was fun watching Mountain Berry High’s football team play. Back in the day, I used to play football for my high school team. Danny, the football captain, thinks I should be focusing on the tech-savvy kids rather than the troublemakers. He may be right. Today I’m going to have a word with the school’s computer teacher. I hope he got the memo that I’m coming.

ChidoLingo: Online School to Learn Spanish | Free Trial

Exercise A

Vocabulary for the story


Difficulty: Intermediate (B2)


MR. MURPHY: I understand you want to have a word with me. Do you really think a teacher has something to do with this?

DETECTIVE BOSSLEY: I’m afraid you’re jumping to conclusions. I just thought you might be able to identify a few students who could pull this of

MR. MURPHY: Why me?

DETECTIVE BOSSLEY: You are the computer teacher, right? You should know which students have the technical know-how to disable the security cameras.

MR. MURPHY: Well, I guess you have a point there. I honestly don’t think any of my students have the know-how.

DETECTIVE BOSSLEY: Here we go again. I guess that rules out your students. Are they all accounted for here?

MR. MURPHY: I’ll have to take attendance as they file out. Oh. There is one student missing for sure. Her name’s Sue Miller. She just excused herself to photocopy something at the library.

DETECTIVE BOSSLEY: Miller, huh? Is she a smart cookie?

MR. MURPHY: You bet. She’s one of my top students. I’d never suspect Sue, though. She’s quiet as a mouse. She never says boo to anyone. She’s the new girl.

DETECTIVE BOSSLEY: Never rule out the quiet ones. I guess we’ll have to cut this short. You need to get these kids out of the building, and I need to find Ms. Miller.

MR. MURPHY: Don’t get your hopes up. You’ll probably find her lining up in the M line. For fire alarms, the students line up outside by last name, not grade—in case you didn’t get the memo.

DETECTIVE BOSSLEY: Thanks. For Sue’s sake, I hope you’re right. But something tells me we might have our girl.

Exercise B


Exercise C - Writing

Writing Task: “The Impact of New Students on School Environment and Social Dynamics”


  1. Carefully read the provided story about the conversation between Detective Bossley and Mr. Murphy, a computer teacher at Mountain Berry High.

  2. Write an essay discussing the impact of new students on the school environment and social dynamics, using Sue Miller as an example.

  3. Be sure to include at least 3 phrasal verbs from the story or any others you have learned in class. The phrasal verbs from the story include:

    • jumping to conclusions
    • have a word with
    • rule out
  4. In your essay, address the following points:

    • What challenges can new students face when adapting to a new school environment and social circle?
    • How can stereotypes, such as the “quiet ones,” affect a new student’s integration into the school community?
    • What role can teachers, school staff, and fellow students play in helping new students adjust to their new environment and feel welcome?
    • How can schools promote a culture of inclusiveness and understanding to ensure that all students, including newcomers, have a positive experience?
  5. Write a minimum of 250 words and a maximum of 500 words.

Remember to check your grammar, spelling, and punctuation before submitting the task. Use appropriate academic language and structure your essay with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Good luck!

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