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Stories for English Learners

Unit 04 – Advanced Business Course – Risk 01

Get ready for an exciting English learning adventure! In this class, you'll pick up the skills you need to rock your English communication game. From nailing grammar and vocabulary to mastering listening and speaking, we've got you covered.

Warm Up

Tom started his own IT consulting company, leveraging his computer systems and networking expertise. He provided troubleshooting, system setup, and data security services to small businesses. His client base grew through his professionalism and dedication, allowing him to expand his team. Tom’s commitment to customer satisfaction and continuous learning contributed to his success as an entrepreneur in the IT industry.

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Exercise A - Vocabulary

  1. Arrange the words on the left side to their correct meanings on the right side by dragging and dropping them.
  2. Once you have matched all the words, click the “Check Answers” button to see the result.

Exercise A - Vocabulary

Exercise B - Pronunciation

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Press the button below and read the following paragraph:

"I think most people think mainly of health and safety issues but it’s not only that. My responsibility covers all areas of risk within an organization, financial, legal, environmental and technological."

Microphone icon



Listen to the audio once, and then listen again while reading the transcription. Use señor scholar to clarify any unfamiliar words.

Audio 4.1

Nowadays, of course, there’s a lot more consultation and discussion, but in the end someone has to take the final decision – and that’s me. Sometimes you feel nervous putting your signature to a multi-million dollar agreement. If I’ve got it wrong – well, I prefer not to think about that. But, of course, I’ve only reached the position I’m in because I’m not over-cautious by nature. I have been accused of being reckless – for example, when I took the bold step of cutting all our top-of-the-range prices by 30% last November. I was proved right on that one. To an outsider, my decisions may sometimes look rash, but you can be sure I’ve only reached them after carefully weighing up all the pros and cons. I have a duty to the shareholders not to behave in an imprudent way with their investment. You have to ask yourself again and again: am I being prudent? Or is this course of action basically foolhardy? And, of course, the other side of the coin is that I wouldn’t be doing anyone any favours by completely avoiding justifiable risks that carry the possibility of sizeable returns.

I think it’s what comes with responsibility. Sometimes it feels like the whole of my daily working life is filled with risk – but that’s because I have quite a lot of freedom to make decisions. For example, I can decide exactly what deal I offer potential clients on price or discounts. That means I don’t always know for sure that I’ve got it right. Sometimes I put the phone down and immediately I’m wondering how sensible that was. In many ways, the biggest risk I face in my work is the risk of wasting time. As they say, time is money – it’s actually my income. If you think you’ve got a good potential lead, you can spend days following up, and then the whole thing can just collapse and you end up with nothing. So to some degree you have to be cautious about deciding which leads to follow up

I think most people think mainly of health and safety issues, but it’s not only that. My responsibility covers all areas of risk within an organization – financial, legal, environmental, technological. When I discover a potential problem, my job is to assess the severity of the loss that could result from it – maybe in equipment or time or knowledge, or even human life – and put a financial value on that. I also calculate the probability of that risk actually happening. I can then decide which risks need immediate attention, and which ones are manageable. In many cases you can find ways to completely avoid the risk. For example, if you determine that a staircase is potentially dangerous – you close it down and repair it. But, outside of safety issues, avoidance isn’t always the most prudent course of action. If you went to the CEO and advised him to avoid every risk, you’re probably gonna get a deeply sceptical response. A totally risk-averse company is never going to make much progress.

Exercise B - Comprehension

Test your knowledge by answering the following questions. Read each question carefully and select the most appropriate option from the given choices. Once you have chosen your answers, click the “Enviar respuestas” button to submit them. Let’s see how well you do!

  1. What is the author’s perspective on making decisions in their role?
  2. How does the author justify their decision to cut top-of-the-range prices by 30%?
  3. What factors does the author consider before making a decision, despite being accused of recklessness?
  1. What is one challenge the speaker faces in their daily working life?
  2. What aspect of their job gives the speaker a sense of uncertainty?
  3. What is the biggest risk the speaker identifies in their work?
  1. What areas of risk does the speaker’s responsibility cover within an organization?
  2. What factors does the speaker consider when assessing potential problems?
  3. Why does the speaker argue that avoidance isn’t always the most prudent course of action?

Exercise C - Writing

Write a report of at least 150 words describing and analyzing the presented annual sales chart. Use the information provided in the chart and any additional knowledge you deem relevant. Make sure to follow the typical structure of a report, including an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

In your report, make sure to address the following points:

  1. Overview: Begin by providing an overview of the chart and the overall trend of the annual sales over the past five years.

  2. Details and Trends: Describe any patterns or trends you observe in the data, such as significant increases or decreases in sales. Use specific data and figures to support your observations.

  3. Influencing Factors: Analyze possible factors that could have contributed to the changes in sales, such as economic events, marketing strategies, or shifts in market demand.

  4. Conclusions and Predictions: Summarize your findings based on the chart analysis. Make predictions or recommendations regarding possible future actions the company could take based on the observed patterns.

Remember to use formal and precise language, as well as structure your ideas into coherent and well-organized paragraphs. Pay attention to grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Also, make sure to meet the minimum word requirement and maintain a clear focus in your report.

Good luck with your writing task!

Introduction: The provided chart illustrates the annual sales performance of a company over a five-year period. This report aims to analyze the trends, identify key observations, and make relevant conclusions based on the data presented.


Overview: From the chart, it is evident that the company experienced a steady increase in sales from 2016 to 2018, reaching a peak in 2018. However, a slight decline was observed in 2019 and 2020, followed by a moderate recovery in 2021.

Details and Trends: The most significant growth in sales occurred between 2017 and 2018, with a remarkable increase of approximately 30%. This surge can be attributed to successful product launches and effective marketing campaigns during that period. In contrast, the decline in sales in 2019 and 2020 can be attributed to external factors such as the economic downturn and increased competition in the market.

Influencing Factors: Several factors may have influenced the fluctuations in sales. The economic downturn in 2019 impacted consumer spending habits, resulting in reduced sales. Additionally, the emergence of new competitors in the market affected the company’s market share and resulted in a decline in sales. However, the recovery in 2021 indicates that the implemented strategies to enhance product quality and customer engagement have yielded positive results.

Conclusions and Predictions: Based on the analysis, it is recommended that the company focuses on adapting to changing market conditions, investing in research and development, and strengthening customer loyalty programs. By leveraging these strategies, the company can anticipate a gradual increase in sales and regain its market position.


In conclusion, the annual sales chart provides valuable insights into the company’s performance over the past five years. The observed trends and fluctuations necessitate strategic adjustments to ensure future growth and sustainability.

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